Fertilize Plants with Eggs & Coffee

Make your own homemade Miracle-Gro.

Fertilize your plants with this "homemade Miracle-Gro" tea to give your plants a boost of nutrients.

What you'll need:

1 empty plastic jar (e.g. peanut butter jar)
Discarded egg shells
Used coffee grinds


1. Collect egg shells and coffee grinds in the plastic jar until it's at least half full. You may want to keep the jar in the fridge while you collect these, especially if you think it will take a while to fill the jar.

2. Add enough water to cover the shells and coffee grinds, and shake the jar.

3. Let the jar sit in a cool dark place for about a week. Avoid putting the jar in direct sunlight or a warm place to avoid algae growth.

4. Once the tea has brewed for a week or so, strain out the egg shells and coffee grinds using a paper towel, cheesecloth or fine sieve.

5. Pour the tea into your plants' soil full strength or dilute it with some water to make it go farther.

6. Don't forget to compost the egg shells and coffee grinds!

Read the original post on My Purple Brick Road.